Display Name: Extract Data Task
Description: Extracts the selected layers in the specified area of interest to the selected formats and spatial reference, and returns the data in a .zip file.
Help URL: https://maps.fayetteville-ar.gov/server/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/Geoprocessing/ExtractDataTask_GPServer/Geoprocessing_ExtractDataTask/ExtractDataTask.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: Layers_to_Clip
Data Type: GPMultiValue:GPString
Display Name Layers to Clip
Description: The layers to be clipped. Layers must be feature or raster; layer files are not supported.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: [
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Boundary___Annexation, Boundary___City_Limits, Boundary___De_Annexation, Boundary___Town_and_Gown_District, Boundary___Ward, Drainage___Elevation_Certificate, Drainage___Flow_Basin, Drainage___Flowline, Drainage___Repetitive_Loss_Area, Drainage___Stormwater_Conduit, Drainage___Stormwater_Discharge, Drainage___Stormwater_Node, Drainage___Stormwater_Structure, Drainage___Stream, Drainage___Stream_Polygon, Drainage___Waterbody, Economy___Business_License, Economy___HMR_District, Economy___Permit, Elevation___One_Foot_Contour, Elevation___Slope_Greater_Than_15_Pct, Environment___Enduring_Green_Network, Environment___Streamside_Protection_Zone, Environment___Tree, Environment___Tree_Canopy, Location___Address_Point, Location___Facility_Site, Location___Facility_Site_Point, Location___Zip_Code_Boundary, Planning___Abandoned_Right_of_Way, Planning___Design_Overlay_District, Planning___Easement, Planning___Easement_Line, Planning___Future_Land_Use_2040, Planning___Hillside_Hilltop_Overlay, Planning___Infill_Score, Planning___Lot_Line, Planning___Master_Plan_Area, Planning___PLSS_Corner, Planning___PLSS_Line, Planning___PLSS_Quarter_Quarter_Section, Planning___PLSS_Quarter_Section, Planning___PLSS_Section, Planning___PLSS_Township, Planning___Parcel, Planning___Parcel_Line, Planning___Plan_Case, Planning___Planning_Area, Planning___Right_of_Way, Planning___Subdivision, Planning___Subdivision_Block, Planning___Subdivision_Lot, Planning___Survey_Monument, Planning___Survey_Point, Planning___Zoning, Society___Historic_District, Society___Historic_Site, Society___Park, Society___Park_Amenity, Society___Park_Art, Society___Park_Court, Society___Park_Field, Society___Park_Landscape, Society___Park_Light, Society___Park_Parking_Lot, Society___Park_Playground, Society___Park_Pool_Site, Society___Park_Refuse, Society___Park_Structure, Society___Playground_Equipment, Structure___Building, Structure___Surface, Structure___Surface_Line, Structure___Surface_Point, Transportation___Airport_Light, Transportation___Intersection, Transportation___Mile_Marker, Transportation___On_Street_Bicycle_Facility, Transportation___Parking_Area, Transportation___Parking_Stall, Transportation___Planned_Street, Transportation___Railroad, Transportation___Service_Drive, Transportation___Sidewalk, Transportation___Sign, Transportation___Street, Transportation___Street_Light, Transportation___Tarmac, Transportation___Traffic_Signal, Transportation___Trail, Utilities___Collection_Day, Utilities___Sewer_Basin, Utilities___Sewer_Fitting, Utilities___Sewer_Lift_Station, Utilities___Sewer_Main, Utilities___Sewer_Service_Line, Utilities___Sewer_Structure, Utilities___Sewer_Valve, Utilities___Small_Cell_Facility, Utilities___Water_Casing, Utilities___Water_Control_Valve, Utilities___Water_Fitting, Utilities___Water_Hydrant, Utilities___Water_Lateral_Point, Utilities___Water_Main, Utilities___Water_Meter_Location, Utilities___Water_Pump_Station, Utilities___Water_Service_Line, Utilities___Water_System_Valve, Utilities___Water_Tank ]
Parameter Infos:
Name: String
Data Type: GPString
Display Name: String
Parameter: Area_of_Interest
Data Type: GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
Display Name Area of Interest
Description: One or more polygons by which the layers will be clipped.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Filter: Dependency:
Default Value:
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Spatial Reference: 102651
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SQ_MILES
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: ACRES
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: created_user, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: created_date, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: last_edited_user, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: last_edited_date, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 25
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Update Google?, length: 3
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_Length
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_Area
Features: None.
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: Feature_Format
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Feature Format
Description: Specifies the format of the output features. The format should be specified as follows:Name or format - Short Name - extension (if any)The hyphens are required and there must be one space before and after the hyphen.For example:File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdbShapefile - SHP - .shpAutodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2007 - .dxfAutodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2007 - .dwgBentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgnThe list of short names supported includes DGN_V8, DWG_R14, DWG_R2000, DWG_R2004, DWG_R2005, DWG_R2007, DWG_R2010, DXF_R14, DXF_R2000, DXF_R2004, DXF_R2005, DXF_R2007, and DXF_R2010.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Shapefile - SHP - .shp
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb, Shapefile - SHP - .shp, Bentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgn, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R14 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2000 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2004 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2005 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2007 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2010 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2013 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R14 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2000 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2004 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2005 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2007 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2010 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2013 - .dwg ]
Parameter: Raster_Format
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Raster Format
Description: Specifies the format of the output raster datasets. The format should be specified as follows:Name of format - Short Name - extension (if any)The hyphens are required and there must be one space before and after the hyphen.For example:Esri GRID - GRIDFile Geodatabase - GDB - .gdbERDAS IMAGINE - IMG - .imgTagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tifPortable Network Graphics - PNG - .pngGraphic Interchange Format - GIF - .gifJoint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jpgJoint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jp2Bitmap - BMP - .bmpSome of the above raster formats have limitations and not all data can be converted to the format.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: ESRI GRID - GRID
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ ESRI GRID - GRID, File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb, ERDAS IMAGINE - IMG - .img, Tagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tif, Graphic Interchange Format - GIF - .gif, Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jpg, Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG 2000 - .jp2, Bitmap - BMP - .bmp, Portable Network Graphics - PNG - .png ]
Parameter: Output_Zip_File
Data Type: GPDataFile
Display Name Output Zip File
Description: The zip file that will contain the extracted data.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Supported Operations:
Submit Job
Child Resources: